Sunday, October 24, 2010

Happy Anniversary, Dear Blog (two weeks late)

One year my husband and I were so busy with work and children, etc. that we forgot our wedding anniversary. Please note sometimes the ‘etceras’ push you over the edge. The date just kind of slipped our harried minds.

Since we moved to the prairie, my life has moved at a slower pace…one I enjoy. This fall things are speeding up, which is good, but my multitasking skills are a little rusty. I used to juggle a full-time job at a large university, writing deadlines, and all things children-related in addition to trying to be a decent wife and a good daughter. Not worth delving into how successful I was at any of these.

Fortunately multitasking is like riding a bike...the ability comes back to you after you crash.

But it hit me tonight I missed another anniversary. It was a year ago this month that I started blogging about my sons and my fear of turning fifty, etc. Please note other times the ‘etceras’ are just fine.

The boys are good, fifty is more fabulous than frightening, and I’m still plugging away at holding on and letting go.

Happy Anniversary to me.


  1. Hey girl. Happy Anniversary to you as well. You're fine and doing well and I love to read your musings on holding on and letting go. IT's a constant struggle when we have a family.

    I'm still having trouble letting go of my youngest daughter who is 36. I call her too much and I have to stop myself - sometimes I'm successful, sometimes not. She stayed home the longest, stayed home during college and we got so used to her presence. Now she has four kiddies and lots to do and we do miss that girl!
    Good luck with your process....

  2. Happy Blog Anniversary! Etc etc etc.
